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著名计量经济学家Clive Granger爵士逝世

  美国西部时间2009年5月27日,世界著名计量经济学家、2003年经济学诺贝尔奖得主、美国加州大学圣地亚哥校区经济学荣誉教授Clive Granger爵士因病于美国圣地亚哥市不幸逝世,享年74岁。

  Clive Granger爵士是享誉世界的计量经济学大师。1974年开始任教于美国加州大学圣地亚哥校区并专注于计量经济学领域中时间序列分析的研究。Granger爵士与其同事Robert Engle教授共同获得2003年诺贝尔经济学奖。


Clive W.J. Granger


University of Nottingham, Ph.D. 1959
University of Nottingham, B.A. 1955
Major Research Interests:
Statistics and econometrics, especially time-series analysis

Honors and Awards:

Inducted into the "Order of Knight Batchelor" by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England, 2004
The Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 2003
Doctor Honoris Causa, Aarhus University, 2003
Corresponding Fellow, British Academy, 2002
President, Western Economic Association, 2002-2003
Distinguished Fellow, American Economic Association, 2002
Honorary D.Sc. Degree, University of Loughborough, 2002
Biennal Medal, Modeling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, 2001
Doctor Honoris Causa, Stockholm School of Economics, 1998
Foreign Member, Finnish Society of Arts and Science, 1997
Fellow, International Institute of Forecasters (Inaugural Group of Four), 1996
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 1996
Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1994
Chancellor's Associates Chair in Economics,1994
Honorary D.Sc. Degree, University of Nottingham, 1992
Commonwealth Fellowship of the Harkness Funds, New York, held 1959-60 at Princeton University, New Jersey.
Fellow of the Econometric Society, 1972
Elected Guggenheim Fellow from January to June, 1988.
Listed in "Who's Who in the United States," "Who's Who in California," "Who's Who in Science and Engineering." "Men of Achievement," United Kingdom
Paper "Forecasting Stock Market Prices: Lessons for Forecasters" chosen by editors of International Journal of Forecasting as best paper in years 1992/1993
Fellow, International Institute of Forecaster (Inaugural Group of Four), 1996

